“He who controls the potato, controls history.” -Belba Creepfoot
Belba Creepfoot, is a Ratling who originally encountered the party on Farthum IV. After the party left Farthum IV Belba joined the crew and is leading and training the Ratling contingent on the Debt Collector.
Belba was first encountered by the PCs on Farthum IV after their transport craft was shot down. After leading the PCs back to her home and introducing them to her conspiracy wall Belba smuggled the PCs into the Capital via them hiding in her potato cart.
After the Farthum arc Belba took up residence in the lower decks training the Ratlings brought on board into a fighting force. While investigation the septic tank mystery Π-Braine who was now head of security promoted Belba to "Chef of security" and tasked her with investigating the officers, which π was barred from doing. During the battle over Scargaris Prime Belba hid under a cardboard box on the bridge observing Lieutenant Ransum. After revealing herself and saying her force was ready Belba joined Captain Caldeus in the attack on the capital hive city.
Belba would later inform the PCs about the Tribes of the Debt Collector giving introductions to each including the Survy Fevorum. Last seen Belba had grown her conspiracy boards thanks to more resources allocated from π however her conversation with π was cut short after Reeb threw Hatsune Minerial out of an airlock.