Ga-Mu preparing support tickets. (Art by Laura Pendl)
Ga-Mu 4224 is the resident enginseer of the Debt Collector, as well as the leader of a cadre of Debuggers, who are tasked with fixing the ship, with or without the support of Captain Zedek. She can be found updating the list of things wrong with the ship, fixing the ship, or continuing her rivalry with Π-Braine. (Sometimes all at the same time.)
She hails from the forge world of Graia which has produced most of the servators or industrial equipment the PCs have run into. This fact annoys π greatly and he will often kill/smash the items in question.
The one member of the team she has a somewhat positive relationship with is Reeb mostly since Reeb was polite to her during their first encounter and his attempts to save the Tech Priest from Fartham IV.