The Fimbria system is the setting of WarHams Season 2. Out in the Ghoul Stars region, it's an odd place for a Terran-bound crusade to pass through...
Fimbria Majoris[]
Fimbria Majoris, the system's capital, is a hive world much in the manner of those found across the Imperium. Flood cults, inept governors, particularly "ept" prefects, it's almost like it rolled off the line of a manufactorum.
Fimbria II[]
"Fimbria II is the mining hub for the entire system. It's a rocky world that lacks an atmosphere and is roughly one-sixth the size of Terra. The surface temperature is freezing, but luckily, you'll be experiencing the entire settlement from within the world's burrow compounds. The history of the planet is that when settlers first came to the system, they established their empire on Fimbria Majoris, but opted to mine precious metals from Fimbria II to grow their nascent civilization. At first, the leaders and the settlers worked together, but over the centuries that followed the family lines that formed got into competition for Fimbria II's wealthiest mineral deposits. To this day, the wealthiest families still fight proxy wars based on ever-changing beliefs of ownership. They do so through proxy mercenary forces that they dispatch to the planet." —Prefect Amalda
Fimbria II is a mining world embroiled in constant conflict between noble families and their mercenary hires for the vast resource wealth of the planet. Supported by an institution of underage tech-adepts to keep everything running smoothly, color-coded teams of mercs battle it out to reach points in the forts where they can seize control of the resources.
Fimbria III[]

(Art by dancwart)
Fimbria III is a rocky body, presumably entirely snowy and mountainous. The planet is surrounded by multiple orbital rings, and boasts a link to the Eldar webway somewhere underneath its surface.
Fimbria IV[]
Fimbria IV is a gas giant surrounded by a ring of around thirty space stations. Currently seems to have an "ork problem".
Fimbria IV-D[]
The fourth moon of Fimbria IV is a jungle world, where the Astra Militarum fight a somewhat losing containment campaign against an Ork Waaagh!.